Saturday, May 1, 2010

Regina Cæli

O God, come to my assistance
O Lord Make haste to help me.

Regina cæli, lætare, Alleluia:

Rejoice, O Queen of Heaven, Alleluia! Was it only joy you felt when the Angel told you that you were to bear God’s Son? I can’t imagine that your joy was without fear, without anxiety, uncertainty. Could anyone come face to face with God’s messenger and not feel them both? Yet you chose, in that moment, to trust in the joy. You embraced it, and so we honor you.

In our baptism, we are called, too, to choose this joy. Help us to embrace Christian lives so we may carry Christ within us. That we may know him as you do, and rejoice! Grant us the fortitude to become true followers of God, to be of one body with the Church. Help us to create and build up that body so that it might become transformed into all that God promises: the kingdom of Heaven on earth. Blessed Virgin, pray that we receive the grace to overcome all our doubts and fears.

Quia quem meruisti portare, Alleluia,

For the Son you bore, Alleluia! When you came to Elizabeth and her child recognized yours, leaping in her womb, was it only joy that you felt? Or was there anxiety about what this might mean? Here was one to prepare a way you could not see. Yet you chose humility, reckoning your life as one that gives glory to the Lord, Who has done marvels for you. You glorified Him, and so we recall your life as praise.

In our prayer, we are called to glorify the Lord in thanks. Help us to sing out the marvels which God has done for us. That we may love Him as you do, and carry Him out into the world! Grant us the gift of your counsel, that we may see our own gifts more clearly. Help us to nurture our gifts and those of others, that we too may give good counsel. Blessed Mary, pray that we receive the grace to recognize God’s work in our lives.

Resurrexit, sicut dixit, Alleluia;

Has arisen as he promised, Alleluia! Did you dream, in that moment your son was born into the world, of all the glory that would mark his life? Did you fathom the mystery, or were you overcome by the joy of a child who took his first breath and lived? The son you bore would be the first-born of the dead. Yet here he was, alive, and you took him in your arms. You held him close to your heart, and so we draw close to you.

In the confusion of our lives, we are called to accept the responsibility that comes with our faith. Help us to choose the right path in the midst of turmoil and confusion. That we may love and care for others as you loved and cared for him! Grant that we may be given fear of the Lord that we may know Him. Help us to respond to God as He wills us. Blessed Mother, pray that we receive the grace to embrace God’s will.

Ora pro nobis Deum, Alleluia.

Pray for us to God the Father, Alleluia! When the wise men came to adore him, how did you feel? Were you confused at the gifts they brought, and did you wonder at what these omens could mean? Your son was born to be ruler over all. Yet you raised him as a child, your child, as one who needed you. The Child Jesus needed you, and so we turn to you in our need.

In the choices of our lives, we are called to stand before God as people presented to the world. Help us to live with integrity and to act in ways that honor God’s purpose for us. That we may be holy as Jesus is holy! Grant that we will receive wisdom so as to reflect the God who knit us together and sent us forth into the world. Help us to be faithful to God. Blessed Woman, pray that we receive the grace of thankfulness for our lives.

Gaude et lætare, Virgo Maria, Alleluia;

Rejoice and be glad, O Virgin Mary, Alleluia! When you found him in the temple, after those days of worry, was there anger mixed in with your joy? Was your relief strong enough to overcome the pain and anguish? Your son left you without warning. Yet you embraced him without reservation, and were glad of him. You found your child, and so you help us to find him.

In the frustrations and failures of our lives, we are called to discern God’s presence. Help us to find the light in the darkness. That we may let go of anger and live in gladness! Grant that we be given the strength of understanding so as not to be angry when God’s ways do not seem to make sense. Help us to accept God’s will when we do not understand it. Blessed Lady, pray that we are blessed with the grace of trust.

Quia surrexit Dominus vere, Alleluia.

For the Lord has truly risen, Alleluia! Did you feel doubt and confusion when you saw the empty tomb? Or was there only joy in your heart? You buried your firstborn son. Yet he rose from the dead, and you were overjoyed that you could hold him again, that he breathed for a second time. You beheld our Resurrected Lord, and so by turning to you we also behold him.

In our Spirit-filled lives, we are called to draw strength from the Resurrection and live with hope. Help us to find comfort in our Risen Lord. That we may overcome adversity and live the risen life! Grant that we receive piety and love so that we may live to the fullest the life we have received. Help us believe that God’s power can conquer anything. Blessed Advocate, pray that we are given the grace of faith.

Oremus: Deus, qui per resurrectionem Filii tui, Domini nostri Iesu Christi, mundum lætificare dignatus es: præsta, quæsumus; ut per eius Genetricem Virginem Mariam, perpetuæ capiamus gaudia vitæ. Per eumdem Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.

Let us pray: Living and deathless God, you have given joy to the world by the resurrection of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Through the prayers of his mother, the Virgin Mary, bring us to the happiness of eternal life; through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. When you were Assumed into heaven and crowned Queen, your love for all but your Son did not pass away. You love us, and find great joy in us. You have always held Jesus and now have joined him for eternity, and so you call us to be held in his embrace and to be one with him in God’s kingdom.

In our lives and deaths, God loves us and calls us to himself. Help us to trust God and nurture the conviction that He desires good things for us. That we may respond joyfully to His call and follow Him in our hearts! Grant that the gift of knowledge be given to us so that we may truly hear God’s call. Help us follow Him with all our strength, and to fall ever more deeply in love with your son, Jesus. Blessed Queen of Heaven, pray that God grants us the grace of eagerness and generosity in loving.

In thy conception, O Virgin Mary, thou wast Immaculate.
Pray for us to the Father, whose Son thou dist bring forth.

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