Thursday, June 24, 2010

Jell-O Couch / Potato

I was sitting on my couch the other day reading “The Study of Anglicanism” (long story) when I was reminded of what minor earthquakes feel like fairly far out from the epicenter. It’s been a while, I’ll give you that, but I still knew exactly what it was right away. It’s amazing how, momentarily, the ground you’re resting on feels like nothing less than Jell-O.

I apologize for not having written anything recently, O fictional audience of mine. But, really, I’ve been pretty boring. I’ve been watching a lot of Star Trek: Voyager. I like to pretend I’m a character on the show. Not Seven of Nine though – her outfit’s a little too conservative, don’t ya think?

At Bible Camp, we once put on a skit that was set on the bridge of a Star Trek ship. I can’t remember exactly how, but it was somehow religious.

Anyway, my couch and me have been pretty tight lately. This may or may not be related to the fact that my favorite pants have recently informed me I’m getting too fat for them. Unfortunately, this truth coincides with the fact that summer is ice cream season. It’s difficult to say who will win out, but I’m confident we’ll all come to an understanding eventually.

Thus has been my life. Oh, I’m ‘preaching’ on Sunday, if that’s what you call it. I think I might specialize in taking cheap shots at the gospel.

Happy St. Jean to all of you out there. It certainly is a break from Numbers, if not a celebration of our independent nationhood. Maybe we’ll all take a lesson from those people who challenged Moses’ authority and tried to steal the priests’ job whom God smote?


  1. A million curses (and blessings) upon Ice Cream season. I recently discovered Rolo Peanut Butter ice cream. It will be my demise... my tasty, fatty demise. Mmm.... Good luck preaching tomorrow! You'll be great :).

  2. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! I got a cupon for 2$ off Ben & Jerry's ice cream on Friday. Demise, it seems, isn't really that costly. It will be my new friend.
